Friday, August 6, 2010

Eggsperiment Conclusion

It took a little while to get here, to the conclusion of my eggsperiment.

The problem: Jackson develops severe digestive problems and a rash after ingesting eggs.

The hypothesis: Jackson's intolerance of eggs might be linked to the corn protein passed from hen to egg.

The test: Give Jackson eggs from free range, oat fed hens.

The conclusion: I gave Jackson something yummy and homemade using the farm fresh, free range eggs from my parents' farm. Each day I tried to increase the amount of egg he received. He remained symptom free throughout the trial. On day eight however, he was accidentally exposed to corn syrup. He reacted as he normally does, and we went back to our previous diet restrictions while his system recovered. Before he fully recovered, however, he got a stomach virus (along with the rest of the family), and we had to postpone any further experimentation a few days. Once he had bounced back and his system had reset, I made him some pancakes using regular store bought eggs. He reacted within 20 minutes (severe diarrhea and a rash that lasted for about a day). By the end of the day, his stomach had emptied itself of the allergen and he was feeling just fine. I do intend to test store bought eggs again, but I'll have to wait until the next school break (just in case the next reaction is worse).

So, once again, I'm no scientist or food allergy expert, but my Doctor Mom conclusion is that it is the corn protein or at least the stress hormones in the store bought eggs that cause his reaction.

My mind has been drifting recently to holiday cooking and birthday cakes WITH EGGS!!! That is, if my parents can figure out what to do about the gigantic snake that has become quite fat raiding their hen house after the chickens leave to scratch for their breakfast. They don't want to kill it, and are trying other ways to prevent its thievery. We'll see.


  1. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be sometimes to have to figure all of this out by trial and error. Good job at being a loving and involved mommy. (=

  2. Thanks. I will be forever grateful that God gave me a perpetually curious nature.
