Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love the Little Children

Although it took about 15 minutes into our ride home from church to reach the full fledged tantrum stage, the meltdown began just before pick-up from Sunday school. By the time we reached our destination it had grown into red-faced, screaming, flailing craziness. Absolutely nothing satisfied the madness, not even a lolly pop (Yummy Earth Organic of course). The screaming had affected every one in the car, and soon my other children were whining about hunger pains and dehydration. I had run out of tricks and treats and should have been ready to scream myself, but inside there was peace.

I've been convicted lately about loving my children for who they are (all the good, bad and ugly), not for who they make me, or I guess I should say not loving them for who I want them to make me look like.

The tantrum was not a reflection of my parenting style or an indication I had failed to perform some vital motherly function. Kids go nuts sometimes, and you can't always love or discipline them out of it. Sometimes you just have to endure and love them anyway.

No one could be blamed, as if that would have helped. This was just one of the wonderful bundles of joy God gave me reacting to the usual Sunday struggle with violent self-expression. Discipline and correction are a vital part of my job as a mother, but they don't work without love and acceptance.

I'm very thankful for the peace God gave me during that long car ride home. It felt like a special gift from my heavenly Father just to show me He loves me and understands. (I'll save the comparison between child and parent, woman and God for another day.)

And, by the way, the best behaved in the car was Jackson. The one with the biggest excuse to throw a tantrum was holding his ears and trying to watch the movie. The big screamer was my 19 month old daughter with extremely powerful lungs. I'm thinking opera, something on stage at least, for her eventual vocation. She can hit pitches only dogs can hear, and I love her beautiful voice whatever volume she chooses.

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