Monday, October 11, 2010

Natural Sodas

Jackson drinks water, 100% juices and milk. I recently gave him some Juicy Juice sparkling juice which contains no added sugar, but he wouldn't drink it. I also tried another natural sprite type drink, but the face he made when he tried it let me know that I would not be buying any more.

I'm not trying to make him a soda drinker, but I did want to let him try something new. I've often wondered what we would do when he got older and wanted to drink things like everyone else. Well, that's not a problem, at least not in the near future.

Jackson can't really articulate the reason he doesn't like the sparkling juice or natural sodas, but I'm guessing since he's used to drinking unsweetened, non-carbonated drinks, the super sweetness and the fizz was too much for his sensitive palate. I tried them, too, and I noticed a different quality to the natural sodas versus the corn syrup kind. The biggest difference was that it wasn't as tongue numbingly sweet.

Some day Jackson might want to drink soda like his friends, especially at birthday parties and family gatherings, but if he would rather stick to unsweetened, non-carbonated drinks for the rest of his life, that will be fine with me.

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