Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sibling Therapy

Jackson's developmental pediatrician told us that the best therapy he could ever have was his big brother. The doctor told us Jackson will learn more, grow more and do more because he has that kind of interaction daily. Then came his little sister, and she has more than doubled that one-of-a-kind sibling interaction. Every day they treat him the same, like a brother. They annoy, pick, play and love him like no other child ever will, and I am so very grateful for the siblings God gave my Jackson.

We don't know why Jackson has progressed so well in such a short time. We can attribute much of it, I'm sure, to 4-5 therapy sessions a week, pre-school and Sunday School with typically developing peers, all our prayer and hard work along with God's mercy, but I believe with all my heart that the love, acceptance and expectation of his brother and sister has done him more good than any therapy or school ever could.

God's plan is perfect even when we don't understand. All the good, all the bad, weaving it together for His purpose and our good. It's an amazing love He has for us, and when I think about what my other children have done for Jackson, I can't help but remember Proverbs 18:24, "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

If the best therapy for Jackson is his big brother, then the best therapy for our spiritually disabled hearts is Jesus.

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