Tuesday, June 3, 2014

If You Take a Five Year Old to the Grocery Store...

If you take a five year old to the grocery store, she may fight you about what to wear, and if she fights you about what to wear, you might compromise and let her do her own hair and pick out her own shoes. If she does her own hair and picks out her own shoes, she might go to the store looking like her hair has never seen a brush and her shoes might not match.

Even though her shoes don't match and her hair is a mess, she'll probably walk into the store like she owns the place and twirl and dance like she's covered in gold and diamonds, and if she twirls and dances like she's covered in gold and diamonds, she might realize she has to potty just after you've put a few things in the cart.

If she realizes she has to potty after you've put a few things in the cart, you might get frustrated and ask why she didn't go before leaving the house, and if you ask her why she didn't go before leaving the house, she'll probably reply that she didn't have to go then. Since she didn't have to go then, she has to go NOW, and since she has to go NOW, you have two options. 1. To leave the cart of groceries, take her to the bathroom and start over, or 2. Push the cart to the door of the restroom, stand by the door with your 8 year old and send your 9 year old in to make sure she is safe.

If you choose to send your 9 year old in with her, you might have visions of childhood scars and therapy visits he might need as an adult to get over the terrible things you made him do when he was 9. If you start having visions of childhood scars and therapy visits for your child, you will probably finish your shopping trip with Mommy guilt, and if you are finishing your shopping trip with mommy guilt, you will likely end up with an overloaded cart and a larger bill at the register. But, first you have to finish your shopping trip.

As you attempt to finish your shopping trip in a store extra crowded with all the families home for summer, your younger son with autism will probably say something inappropriate loud enough for the next isles over to hear clearly, and if your younger son says something inappropriate loud enough for other isles to hear, your older son will probably get tickled and/or embarrassed for him and try to fix the problem but only make it worse. If your older son makes it worse, you'll probably be even more embarrassed and forget what you were even on that isle for anyway, and if you can't remember why you were on that isle you will probably have to go back to it after you think you are finished.

If you have to revisit isles you will probably get overwhelmed and forget a lot, and if you forget a lot, you'll have to go back the next day. If you have to go back the next day, you'll probably have to take your five year old with you, and if you take your five year old with you, she'll probably fight you over what to wear. If she fights you over what to wear, you'll probably just let her wear whatever she wants even if it's pajamas or a princess costume complete with "glass" slippers.

Happy Summer! Is it Fall yet?

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