Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Best Valentine's Gift Ever

Here he comes loaded down with his back pack and Valentine's Day goodies wearing his serious face, the one he always wears while he's trying to find my car in the madness of carpool. Our eyes don't lock, not like mine and my older son's do when he finds me in the crowd, but I know he sees me. I brace myself waiting to hear the quicky report from the assistant walking him out. She's smiling. She's always smiling. Here we go. Today was the Valentine's Day party. A change in the usual schedule. Goodies and treats he can't have. Chaos, the kind my older son would relish. I've been nervous about this moment all day, the way I've been every school day since we met with the school to have the "we're not sure this is the right place for him" meeting. My heart's beating faster. I'm so excited to see my boys, and so anxious at the same time. How long does it take to walk three cars back? The assistant looks at me with that loving understanding smile she always wears and says....

"We had a good day....a great day."

I didn't know what to do, cry, shout, squeal. Then Jackson says, "Mom, I didn't get in trouble today." Big proud smiles! Honestly, I think at that moment I could have lifted him up over my head twirled around and giggled in slow motion, you know like in the movies, but I'm pretty sure it would have been completely lost on Jackson and it would have made my older son too embarrassed to go back to school next week. So, I was dancing and shouting in my mind. The craziness of the day (you know it's Valentine's Day, right, flowers, chocolate, lots of kisses) has prevented me from properly praising my Savior for this amazing gift.

Here it is. Late but not any less real.

Thank You, Jesus, for this moment, for this day, for this progress, for this child, for Your presence in my life, for the gift of redemption, for the best Valentine's Day gift ever.


  1. yay! Love this. You are an amazing mama. Your boys are lucky. :)

  2. Thank you! I'm the lucky one, though, for sure!
