Thursday, September 17, 2015

We do the loving. He does the changing.

The gospel isn't different for different groups of people. It doesn't change based on need or ability.

The gospel for the homeless isn't to get off the street.

The gospel for the depressed isn't to choose to be happy.

The gospel for the gay or lesbian person isn't to be straight.

The gospel for the alcoholic isn't sobriety.

The gospel for the workaholic isn't to balance work and family.

The gospel for the sex addict isn't to control themselves.

The gospel for the obese isn't to get skinny.

The gospel for the church lady isn't to just keep being perfect.

The specifics of our faults, flaws and struggles are irrelevant.

The gospel isn't about fixing us. It's not about correcting a real or perceived fault in our lives so that we fit a better mold. It isn't about making perfect little followers that look nice in the church pew.

The Gospel is the revelation of Christ. It is Jesus and his saving truth. It is the good news of his deity, his sinless life, his sacrificial death, his burial and triumphant resurrection by which he offers life everlasting to all who seek Him.

ALL who seek him. And those who find him, he called to seek others and lead them to Him. Seek them, not fix them. Lead them to him, not force them into our chosen church culture. He's the one that heals and changes. His people are here to lead the lost to a savior, to bear burdens, to fill bellies, to share cloaks, to turn cheeks, to offer love to the lonely and hope to the hopeless. We are here to work and serve together showing God's love and healing to others, something we are only able to do as we allow his love and healing to change us first.

Jesus didn't come and die so we could be popular and successful. He came to change us, to make us more like him, to allow him to use our hands, feet and hearts to love the world and everyone in it, the homeless, depressed, gay, lesbian, alcoholic, addict, obese, church lady and every other person we come into contact with. We do the loving. He does the changing.